
"Amerikanischer Nobelpreis": Unser wissenschaftlicher Beirat Prof. Dr. Dieter Oesterhelt erhält den Lasker Award 2021

Von 2006 bis 2019 war Prof  Dr Dieter Oesterhelt Mitglied des Aufsichtsrates bei bitop, heute ist er als wissenschaftlicher Beirat aktiv – am Wochenende hat er den Lasker Award 2021 erhalten. Und das ist hochverdient. Er hat das Fundament für eine akademische Disziplin gelegt, die es Wissenschaftlern erlaubt, neurologische Verbindungen im Hirn zu analysieren, neue Erkenntnisse in unterschiedlichen Gebieten der Biologie zu sammeln und erst kürzlich einen blinden Mann wieder sehen zu lassen – ein Erfolg von biblischen Ausmaßen. Und vielleicht kommt noch mehr: Die Hälfte aller Lasker Award Empfänger haben später den Nobelpreis erhalten.

„Ich gratuliere von ganzem Herzen. Sei es als Freund oder als Wissenschaftler – Prof. Dr. Dieter Oesterhelt hat mich immer beeindruckt“, sagt Aufsichtsratvorsitzender Dieter Hahn. Geschäftsführerin Eva Galik unterstreicht: „Dr. Oesterhelts Verdienste um die bitop sind von unschätzbarem Wert.“

In den 13 Jahren als Aufsichtsratsmitglied hat er dazu beigetragen, dass unser Bakterienstamm optimiert werden und dadurch die Produktion von medEctoin® zehn Mal effizienter als zuvor gestaltet werden konnte. Seine Arbeiten in der Grundlagenforschung haben dazu geführt, dass wir heute die Struktur und den Wirkmechanismus von Ectoin verstehen – einem Molekül, das erst vor 25 Jahren entdeckt worden ist. Dadurch waren wir in der Lage, ein breites Portfolio an Medizinprodukten zu entwickeln die das Leben von unzähligen Menschen verbessern, die an Krankheiten wie Neurodermitis, Dry Eye Syndrom oder Heuschnupfen leiden. Dieter Hahn erinnert sich: „Wann immer ich mich gefragt habe, ob meine Investitionen sich eines Tages Früchte tragen werden, hat er mir versichert: `Es gibt keinen stärkeren natürlichen Zellschutz als Ectoin.`“ Heute bestätigen das eine Vielzahl klinischer Studien.

Lasker Awards: „die höchsten Ehren die Medizinwissenschaftlern von einer US-amerikanischen Organisation verliehen werden“*

Seit 1945 werden die Lasker Awards an Wissenschaftler verliehen, die sich in besonderem Maße in der Medizinwissenschaft verdient gemacht haben. Sie haben mittlerweile die Reputation als „Amerikanische Nobelpreise“, weil 86 Lasker Preisträger später auch einen Nobelpreis erhalten haben.

Bacteriorhodopsin: Wie Oesterhelts Entdeckung einer lichtgetriebenen Ionenpumpe ein neues Feld der Medizinwissenschaft schuf

Vor über 50 Jahren entdeckte Oesterhelt ein lichtgetriebenes Protein in einem salzliebendem Archaebakterium und konnte im weiteren Verlauf beweisen, dass es genutzt wird um Energie zu speichern: eine neue Form der Photosynthese. In seiner Zeit als Direktor am Max Planck Institut für Biochemie gelang es ihm, den Mechanismus beschreiben und die chemische wie räumliche Struktur des Proteins bestimmen, das er Bakteriorhodopsin nannte. Die Methoden, die er und sein Team entwickelten, sind heute zum Standard in der Strukturanalyse von Membranproteinen geworden.

Weitere Entdeckungen von mikrobiellen Retinalproteinen wie Kanalrhodopsin legten das Fundament für ein neue akademische Disziplin: die Optogenetik. Dabei werden Rhodopsine in Zellen eingeschleust, die im Anschluss wie mit einem An-und-Aus Schalter gesteuert werden können. Das eröffnet eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, um die genaue Funktion der Gehirnareale zu entschlüsseln und vielleicht eines Tages Hirnkrankheiten heilen zu können. Erst kürzlich gelang es José-Alain Sahel und Botond Roska einen blinden Mann teilweise wieder sehen zu lassen – wahrlich ein Erfolg von biblischem Ausmaß.


Lasker Award für Prof. Dr. Dieter Oesterhelt

Lapidot Medical´s new medEctoin® product expands its position as a leading health care company in Israel

Dortmund, September 1st 2021

Good news for Israels´ families: Lapidot Medical has successfully launched bitop´s medEctoin® Soft Lozenges Wildberry and Menthol under their own brand Speed Garon Kids Soft Lozenges.

bitops CEO Wolfgang Hansen is delighted about the first partnership with Lapidot. “Having 40 years experience and a leading position in Israel´s health care market, Lapidot Medical is the perfect partner for bitop”, he said. “They combine tradition with a strong commitment to progress while always aiming to bring the best product into the Israeli market.”

By launching medEctoin® Soft Lozenges Wildberry and Menthol, Lapidot Medical underlines its claim to be a leading health care company in Israel. medEctoin®´s perfect tolerability for children, its preventive capabilities and the clinically proven effectiveness on cough&cold–symptoms make it a must-have for families´ medicine cabinet.

Building a water shield – Ectoin® Hydro Complex - on cells of the mucous membranes in mouth and throat, it reduces the danger of bacterial or viral infection, inflammations and relieves symptoms of acute pharyngitis such as hoarseness, sore throat and pain on swallowing. 

The strong clinical data convinced Israeli authorities: Speed Garon Kids Soft Lozenges are officially approved for the assistance in treatment and prevention of common cold symptoms, dry mouth and throat and hoarseness due to voice overuse. The lozenges reduce inflammations of the mucous membranes in mouth and throat and relieve sore throat, pain on swallowing and hoarseness.

The extremolyte Ectoin is a natural born cell protector, produced by bacteria in salt deserts which could not survive the harsh conditions if it were not for this molecule that they produce. bitop AG has found a way to produce this extremolyte in a medical quality. As medEctoin®, bitop makes use of it in various medical devices such as lozenges, nasal sprays, creams and more.

About Lapidot Group

Lapidot Group is one of Israel’s leading healthcare companies. The company specializes in import, distribution, marketing and sales of variety of products, solutions and services in healthcare and wellbeing. The company represents leading international companies with scientific excellence. Since its inception, the Group has enjoyed the reputation of a leading and visionary company that presents impressive growth and expansion data. In 2017, the company was ranked sixth in the ranking of Dun’s 100 Medical Equipment and Medicines Wholesale in Israel.

Meet us in Berlin at the Pharma Synergy Conference (22-23 September)

Finally, we meet again! And there is so much to talk about...
  • New products
  • New clinical study results
  • New post-covid business opportunities
If you happen to be in Berlin at September 22nd - 23rd, let´s arrange a personal meeting there.
However, if you cannot be there, let´s arrange a video call at any time.
Send us a message via LinkedIn or a mail to - and let us enjoy interesting discussions in person together.

bitop and Sooft enter into a partnership and launch Ectoin® Inhalation Solution in Italy

Dortmund, April 15th 2021

We are very happy to announce that our partner Sooft, part of the Fidia group based in Italy, has launched bitop’s Ectoin® Inhalation Solution under their brand name FIDAHLO® in the Italian market.  

The Ectoin® Inhalation Solution has been developed to reduce inflammations of the airways caused by pulmonary diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Clinical studies show that the inhalation solution – compared to traditional saline solutions – shows superior reduction in bronchitis symptoms thanks to the 100% natural ingredient Ectoin®*.

“The segment of inflammatory lung diseases has grown in recent years, but especially 2020 has raised awareness for the protection of healthy lungs and airways. Therefore, we are glad to have Sooft as our new partner, who wants to cover the increasing demand for inhalation solutions in the Italian market.”, states bitop CEO Wolfgang Hansen.

As leading provider of consumer health care, Sooft provides a wide array of products, such as eye drops, medical devices and food supplements. The acquisition through Fidia in 2017 led to a strengthened market position and the expansion of the diverse product range.


About Ectoin® containing OTC-products

For more than ten years, bitop has developed and registered medical devices with Ectoin® and out-licensed these patent-protected products in a full-service model to partners all over the world. The natural protection molecule Ectoin® is made in Germany and provides a 100% natural and physical mode of action. bitop offers products with Ectoin® with clinically proven claims in the categories of Cough&Cold, Allergy, Pulmonary Diseases, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Supportive Cancer Treatment.  

For more information on the product range, please contact or visit or contact our sales team directly under

To read the full press release, please click here.

*Tran et al. 2019. Ectoine-Containing Inhalation Solution versus Saline Inhalation Solution in the Treatment of Acute Bronchitis and Acute Respiratory Infections: A Prospective, Controlled, Observational Study. BioMed Res Intern, Article ID 7945091.

Fidhalo Packshot Website.png


bitop and Bausch Health extend their partnership and launch Ectoin® Allergy Nasal Spray in several European countries

Dortmund, March 16th 2021

We are very happy to announce that our partner Bausch Health Companies Inc. has launched Ectoin® Allergy Nasal Spray under their well-known and successful brands Vividrin® and Artelac® in South and Eastern European markets.    

The Ectoin® Allergy Nasal Spray is a globally successful medical device for the treatment and prevention of allergic rhinitis symptoms.  It protects against harmful influences of allergens and reduces allergen induced inflammations of the nasal mucosa. Containing the 100% natural cell-protective ingredient Ectoin®, the solution is membrane-stabilizing and has clinically shown to be as effective in reducing allergy symptoms as Azelastine - the pharmacological standard treatment.*

The Ectoin® Allergy Nasal Spray is a fitting line extension since Ectoin® containing Allergy Eye Drops have been distributed and established for many years in a high number of countries.

After a well-established partnership in eye care we are happy to see the Ectoin® Allergy Nasal Spray under the strong brands of our long-term partner Bausch Health.”, states bitop CEO Wolfgang Hansen.

About Ectoin® containing OTC-products

For more than ten years, bitop has developed and registered medical devices with Ectoin® and out-licensed these patent-protected products in a full-service model to partners all over the world. The natural protection molecule Ectoin® is exclusively manufactured by bitop in Germany and provides a 100% natural mode of action. bitop offers  Ectoin®- based health care products with clinically proven claims in the categories of Cough&Cold, Allergy, Pulmonary Diseases, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Supportive Cancer Treatment.  

For more information on the product range, please contact or visit or contact our sales team directly under

To read the full press release, please click here.

*Werkhäuser N, Bilstein A, Sonnemann U. Treatment of allergic rhinitis with ectoine containing nasal spray and eye drops in comparison with azelastine containing nasal spray and eye drops or with cromoglycic Acid containing nasal spray. J Allergy (Cairo). 2014; Epub.



bitop and A.Vogel extend their partnership and launch Ectoin® Allergy Nasal Spray in the Netherlands

Dortmund, March 02nd 2021

We are very happy to announce that our partner A.Vogel, based in Elburg, has launched Ectoin® Allergy Nasal Spray under the brand name Pollinosan® Hooikoorts Neusspray in the Netherlands.  

The Ectoin® Allergy Nasal Spray is a globally successful product for treatment and prevention of allergic rhinitis symptoms. It protects against harmful influences of allergens and reduces allergen induced inflammations of the nasal mucosa. Containing the 100% natural ingredient Ectoin® the solution has clinically shown to be as effective as the pharmacological standard treatment Azelastine.*

A.Vogel develops and manufactures herbal medicines (phytopharmaceuticals), foods and supplements from fresh plants and distributes them internationally. Their products aim on supporting people to maintain or regain health in a natural way. In the Netherlands A.Vogel distributes their products through all commonly known retailers and therefore reaches a wide customer base.

“We are happy to satisfy the growing demand for effective, natural based allergy products with our strongly valued partner A.Vogel. We think there’s a great strategic fit between A.Vogel’s brand heritage and bitop’s natural cell protector Ectoin®.”, states bitop CEO Wolfgang Hansen.

About Ectoin® containing OTC-products

For more than ten years, bitop has developed and registered medical devices with Ectoin® and out-licensed these patent-protected products in a full-service model to partners all over the world. The natural protection molecule Ectoin® is made in Germany and provides a 100% natural mode of action. bitop offers products with Ectoin® with clinically proven claims in the categories of Cough&Cold, Allergy, Pulmonary Diseases, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Supportive Cancer Treatment.

For more information on the product range, please contact or visit or contact our sales team directly under

To read the full press release, please click here.

*Werkhäuser N, Bilstein A, Sonnemann U. Treatment of allergic rhinitis with ectoine containing nasal spray and eye drops in comparison with azelastine containing nasal spray and eye drops or with cromoglycic Acid containing nasal spray. J Allergy (Cairo). 2014; Epub.



bitop and Yuria-Pharm enter a partnership and launch Ectoin® inhalation solution in the Ukraine

Dortmund, February 17th 2021

We are very happy to announce that our partner Yuria-Pharm, based in Kiev, has launched Ectoin® Inhalation Solution under the brand name ECTOBREATH® in the Ukrainian market.

The Ectoin® Inhalation Solution has been developed by bitop to reduce inflammations of the airways in case of pulmonary diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Containing the 100% natural ingredient Ectoin® the solution has clinically shown superior reduction in bronchitis symptoms compared to traditional saline solutions*.

“The demand we see for our inflammation reducing inhalation solutions has never been as strong as today. People understand, that protecting lungs and airways is a good way to stay healthy. We are very glad to have entered a new market with our new partner Yuria-Pharm in this important indication”, states bitop CEO Wolfgang Hansen.

As manufacturer and distributor of a wide range of pharmaceuticals and medical products, Yuria-Pharm has a particularly strong footage in hospitals and healthcare facilities (HLF) in the Ukraine and started the distribution in their home market in early 2021.

About Ectoin® containing OTC-products

For more than ten years, bitop has developed and registered medical devices with Ectoin® and out-licensed these patent-protected products in a full-service model to partners all over the world. The natural protection molecule Ectoin® is made in Germany and provides a 100% natural mode of action. bitop offers products with Ectoin® with clinically proven claims in the categories of Cough&Cold, Allergy, Pulmonary Diseases, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Supportive Cancer Treatment.

For more information on the product range, please contact or visit or contact our sales team directly under

*Tran et al. 2019. Ectoine-Containing Inhalation Solution versus Saline Inhalation Solution in the Treatment of Acute Bronchitis and Acute Respiratory Infections: A Prospective, Controlled, Observational Study. BioMed Res Intern, Article ID 7945091.

bitop is part of the Showcase of Incosmetics Connect on January 25th


We are pleased to be part of the Showcase of Incosmetics Connect. Do not miss our webinar:
Ultimate protection and repair: How a natural molecule can meet trending consumer needs

The need for 100% natural, highly effective, safe, and multifunctional active ingredients is rising. There is only a very limited number of single molecules with clinically proven efficacy a formulator can choose from to implement multiple benefits like anti-aging, skin barrier repair, soothing, whitening, long-term hydration, and global protection (anti-pollution, blue-light, etc.) with one active.
This webinar with bitop will provide an overview of consumer needs and explain, how the single molecule and multi-benefit bioactive Ectoin® natural can help to formulate highly effective, “clean-beauty” formulations, which meet the latest market trends.

Please click here to join the webinar. We are looking forward to your participation & Q&A!


Lassen Sie sich von unserer neuen Skin Oasis-Serie inspirieren!

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Finden Sie heraus, welche Art von Formulierungen mit unseren hochwirksamen Wirkstoffen Ectoin® natural und Glycoin® natural möglich sind. Die Skin Oasis Serie umfasst den Rescue Moisturizing Splash, das revitalisierende Hydro2Tone Elixir und die Super Nourishing Whipped Cream für ein Spa-Erlebnis zu Hause. Um einen tieferen Einblick in die Formulierung zu erhalten, werfen Sie bitte einen Blick in unseren Formulierungsleitfaden. Klicken Sie dazu bitte hier PDF.

Fight against Corona virus: 

Recent in vitro study on lung cells with SARS-CoV-2 shows virus-blocking efficacy of bitop Ectoin®. Further information on the inhibition of the binding of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 can be found in this PDF.

bitop supports the global fight against the Corona-virus with our Life Science product portfolio:


Our BioStab Peroxidase Conjugate Stabilizer is used for COVID-19 ELISA test kits. We send our thoughts and prayers to everybody, who is affected by this virus and would like to express our gratitude to all the heroes, who are fighting in the front-rows during these difficult times. Thank you!

On 20th to 22nd  January the COSME Tech took place at Makuhari Messe Toyko, Japan


We spent two successful days at the COSME Tech 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. What made this exhibition even better were the numerous visits at our shared booth with our distribution partner HIGUCHI Inc. and the inspiring discussions. 

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again in Febuary at the PCHi in Shanghai. Meet us there at stand 1S47.


Visiting our customer POLY STATE BEAUTY on the 5th of December in China


We spent some inspiring days in China and had the chance to visit our partner POLY STATE BEAUTY. During the guided tour of the company and the laboratories, we learnd a lot about the company. Thank you for the great meetings and interesting conversations.


On 5th to 7th November the in-cosmetics Asia took place at Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre in Thailand



We would like to highlight our new business partner GeTeCe Co,. Ltd. Thailand. We are looking forward to a fabulous collaboration in the future. Thank you for the pleasant meetings with our customers and discussions of all the exciting possibilities in the thai personal care industry.

On 23th to 25th October the SEPAWA Congress took place at the Estrel Congress & Exhibition Center Berlin, Germany



Many thanks to the C.H. Erbslöh Team for the successful and fun days at the SEPAWA! Thank you all for passing by our booth and hope to see you next year again!

On 23th to 24th October the in-cosmetics North America took place in Manhattan, New York 



There were two really exciting and fascinating days at the show that will be spent with our distributor Mibelle Biochemistry. We were very happy about the numerous visits and wish to see you again soon. 

On 2th and 3th October the SCC CA Suppliers' Day 2019 took place in Long Beach, California


We spent two successful days sharing the booth with our US distribution partner Mibelle Biochemistry. One of the highlight topics for our visitors was the HA-like water retention with a silky touch of Glycoin® natural and blue-light protection of Ectoin® natural. Thank you all for visiting and we are happy to see you soon at the in-cosmetics North America!


CARBAFIN: bitop and Sugar Beet

Dortmund, 29.05.2019: White sugar, table sugar or—nerdy—sucrose is at the centre of the EU project “CARBAFIN”. The EU is the world’s leading producer of sugar from sugar beet. Due to societal changes and changes in market regulations the European sugar beet industry faces big challenges. 145,000 sugar beet farmers in 20 EU member states and approximately 28,000 jobs in the direct processing of sugar beets alone are at risk. These changes led to an annual sugar beet surplus of at least 300,000 t and the goal of CARBAFIN is to use this very surplus by putting the sugar to use in new value chains in a bio-based economy. Since CARBAFIN is an EU project, partners are located in different EU countries, one even from Switzerland:

  • acib GmbH, Austria
  • Graz University of Technology, Austria
  • Pfeifer & Langen GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
  • AVA Biochem BSL AG, Switzerland
  • Ghent University, Belgium
  • bitop AG, Germany
  • Galab Laboratories GmbH, Germany
  • PNO Consultants BV, Netherlands

The project receives total funds of 5.3 million € and we at bitop are using funds for the development of the Glycoin® process and for the production of Glycoin®.

The Glycoin® Sugar Connection

Chemically, Glycoin® is a quite simple molecule which can be viewed as a simple combination of dextrose (nerdy: glucose) and glycerol. Unfortunately, production is not as simple, because mixing glucose and glycerol is by far not enough to start a reaction towards Glycoin®. For reasons too complicated for such a news, bitop requires sucrose as the raw material, a molecule composed of glucose and fruit sugar (nerdy: fructose). The cleavage of the bond between the two sugars is what drives the reaction to bind glycerol to glucose—at the right spot! Within the framework of CARBAFIN, the focus lies on the Glycoin ® production at industrial scale as an example for the already mentioned “new value chains” to show that the raw material sucrose can be used to produce the value product Glycoin®. bitop received funding for a lab-scale purification unit for improving the Glycoin® process. Furthermore, the full Glycoin® process will be assessed and analysed ecologically and economically by LCA experts from Graz University of Technology.

New Developments

The project started in 2018 and will end in 2021 and within this timeframe you can expect further news from bitop and the other members of the consortium.


On 7th and 8th May the NYSCC Suppliers' Day 2019 took place in Manhattan, NYC


Dortmund, 15.05.2019: We spent two successful days sharing the booth with our US distribution partner Mibelle Biochemistry. One of this year’s highlight topics for our visitors was the microbiome support of Ectoin® natural and it’s anti-pollution benefits. Thank you all for visiting, for the exchange of ideas and our interesting discussions. See you again in October at in-cosmetics North America. „Auf Wiedersehen“!

bitop looks back on a successful PCHi 2019 in Guangzhou


Dortmund, 07.03.2019: We had again a great time exhibiting at the PCHi in Guangzhou, China meeting with our customers and discussing all the exciting opportunities within the Cosmetic Industry. It was a busy and successful exhibiton with many visitors and as always we enjoyed the warm hospitality of our Chinese distribution partner Toonechem.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again in April at the in-cosmetics global in Paris. Meet us in Paris at stand N12.

bitop Ectoin® Lozenges improve sore throat symptoms by almost 80 %


Dortmund, February 2019: A recently published study proved that bitop Ectoin® Lozenges effectively reduce symptoms of acute viral pharyngitis (sore throat) by 79.5 % after only one week of treatment. With this result, they show significant superiority compared to Hyaluronic acid lozenges (GeloRevoice®) in reducing redness of the mucosa in mouth and throat.

Moreover, the general condition of nearly 70 % of the patients using bitop Ectoin® Lozenges was rated as “very good” by the physician. In comparison, only 48 % of the patients using GeloRevoice® and only one fifth of the salt water group reached a “very good” condition.

The tolerability of bitop Ectoin® Lozenges is significantly superior compared to HA-containing lozenges (physician’s assessment). All patients treated with bitop Ectoin® Lozenges were highly satisfied with the pleasant wild berry taste. In contrast, 40 % of patients treated with HA-containing lozenges and 45 % of the patients treated with salt water rated the taste of their product as unpleasant.

Here you can download the research paper and the study factsheet.

Interested in a license for bitop Ectoin® Lozenges? Contact us:


bitop announces new CEO

Dortmund, 22.01.2019. With the beginning of 2019 bitop starts into a new year full of technological innovations and developments. This comes along with the appointment of its new CEO - Michael Braig, who started in January 2019 and brought a breath of fresh air combined with a strong track-record in sales, marketing and business development to the well-established company. Before joining bitop, Michael Braig was leading the Consumer Care Business of Galderma (Nestlé Skin Health) for 3 years. Prior to Galderma, he spent almost 5 years with Reckitt Benckiser, where he was responsible for the Health Care Business in Germany.

New manufacturing plant ensures more sustainable production

Opening event in celebration of the anniversary

Dortmund, 07.09.2018. Just in time for its 25th anniversary, bitop AG is opening a new chapter: The manufacturer of natural protection molecules for skin and mucosa is expanding at its new location in Dortmund. At the opening event, bitop was welcoming around 200 guests from Germany and abroad. The products of bitop are part of many well-known cosmetics and medical devices. The substances obtained from special bacteria - so-called Extremolytes - are successfully marketed worldwide. They are used inter alia for the treatment of allergies, skin and respiratory diseases. The cosmetics industry uses bitop's products, for example, in the areas of anti-aging, skin soothing and pollution protection.

"With the move from Witten to the biotechnology location in Dortmund, we are also becoming visible to the outside world as a highly specialized, global biotech company," explains Claus Kjærsgaard, who has been the new CEO of bitop AG since June 2018. "Our newly built high-tech company building provides much-needed space for growth and also laboratories for young start-ups, as we ourselves once were. Most importantly, after the completion of the ongoing approval process, we will soon be building our new production facility, which will enable us to produce more sustainably, more effectively, and at lower cost. "

From its new location, bitop wants to open up new markets and thus further expand its position as world market leader in the segment of natural extremolytes. "With our medical devices, we are currently represented in around 50 countries, our active cosmetic ingredients are available worldwide" says the new CEO. "Above all, markets in Asia will be the focus of our interest in the coming years". The new process will also give new applications for bitop's products. A personnel expansion of currently over 50 to about 70 employees is planned in the next step.

"With the help of special nanofiltration technology, we will be able to gain our highly effective extremolytes more effective, cheaper and, above all, far more sustainable in the future.“ explains Andreas Bilstein. The scientific director of bitop AG has been taking care of the technical needs of the company, which was founded 25 years ago as a spin-off of the University of Witten-Herdecke.

"With the new process one can forego many stages of the previous production process. This saves us considerable amounts of chemicals, energy, water and activated carbon and thus protects the environment, "says Bilstein, summing up the main advantages of the new process.

bitop will invest around EUR 5.5 million in the new production facility, which will be installed in the newly constructed high-tech building following completion of the ongoing approval process. The start of production is expected in the second quarter of 2019.

"The new process will also enable new applications of our extremolytes - especially in the cosmetics industry," predicts Bilstein. Details will be evaluated in the coming months.

The 25th company anniversary was celebrated on September 5th for a whole day with a total of 200 invited guests from the cosmetics, pharma and animal health and care industry. During an in-house exhibition, the guests had the chance to peek behind the scenes of bitop and get in touch with all employees and departments. In the afternoon, bitop has presented three scientific and business-related lectures in all the topic areas which interest the industry. The keynote speech was given by Prof. Dr. Jean Krutmann, who spoke about the clinical efficacy of Ectoin® for dermatological and anti-pollution applications. The scientific program was followed by a cocktail reception.

Here you can download the press release .

Ectoin® Mouth Wash launch in Hungary

Dortmund, 06.08.2018: bitops partner in Hungary, Phytotec Hungária, has recently launched the Ectoin® Mouth Wash under its brand Endoral®. This is the first commercial launch of the highly effective solution against Stomatitis and Mucositis. The product has been tested in human and performed extraordinarily well. It is not only suitable for the treatment of dry mucosa in healthy patients but also very effective for the prevention and treatment of chemotherapy-induced mucositis. Phytotec positions the product for the treatment of dry mouth and stomatitis. These diseases can have several causes. The most common ones are diabetes, aging and autoimmune diseases like the Sjörgen-syndrome.


Ectoin® Mouth wash is supported by the following, clinically proven claims:

  • Supports reduction of inflammations of oral mucous membranes (oral mucositis or stomatitis)
  • Helps to reduce the incidence of inflamed oral mucosa
  • Alleviates and prevents symptoms such as sore mouth and redness and burning of the oral mucosa
  • Helps to relieve pain in the mouth and therefore eases eating, drinking, and talking
  • Supports the regeneration process of damaged oral mucosa
  • Moistens dry mouth and prevents dehydration
  • Cleans the mouth
  • Effects based on 100% natural ingredients

Here you can download the research paper and the study factsheet.

Interested in a license? Please contact:

New study in Oncology Supportive Care published:
Patients prefer Ectoin® Mouth Wash over standard treatment (Caphosol®)

Dortmund/ Hungary, 07.06.2018: bitop is proud to announce that another successful observational study has been conducted with one of its Ectoin®-containing products. The recently published study compared Ectoin® Mouth Wash with the standard-of-care calcium phosphate mouthwash Caphosol® for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis. 80 % of patients using Ectoin® Mouth Wash were entirely symptom-free after 3 weeks of treatment, compared to only 43 % in the Caphosol® group. Moreover, Patients preferred Ectoin® Mouth Wash over calcium phosphate mouthwash. The study shows that Ectoin® Mouth Wash is tolerable and effective for the treatment of mucositis.

Dr. Zoltán Baráth, Pulmologist at National Korányi Institute of TBC and Pulmology in Budapest worked on the study and states:
“We are very proud that we can now offer cancer patients an innovative and effective treatment for oral mucositis whose efficacy proved to go even beyond the efficacy of the well-known standard treatment Caphosol®. Taken preventively, we might even protect patients against this painful condition. We are sure that, with Ectoin® Mouth Wash, we can make life more worth living for cancer patients.”

Here you can download the research paper and the study factsheet.

If you are interested in in-licensing one of bitop's products, please contact us:

Bayer launched Allergy Eye Drops with Ectoin®

Dortmund/ Canada, 30.05.2018: Since march, also Canadians can benefit from the soothing effects of Ectoin® in the case of allergic eye irritation. Bayer Canada launched hydraSense® Drops - Allergy Therapy. The innovative formulation with Ectoin® and hyaluronic acid lubricates, hydrates and protects the eyes. The clinically proven, naturally-sourced ingredient Ectoin® helps to relieve itchy, watery eyes and burning sensation due to allergies. Like all Ectoin® containing eye drops, the product is preservative-free and can be used with contact lenses.

bitop’s Ectoin® Allergy Eye Drops have been clinically proven to show significant reduction of local symptoms during allergic conjunctivitis. They have been tested against standard OTC drugs and placebo and show comparable efficacy as Azelastine and Ketotifen-containing eye drops. The excellent tolerability in children and adults completes the superiority of Ectoin®. Click here to read more about bitop’s Ectoin® Allergy products.

If you are interested in in-licensing one of bitop's products, please contact us:


Treffen Sie uns

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in-cosmetics global,

28-30 März 2023, Barcelona, Spanien

Vergangene Veranstaltungen


CPHI Frankfurt,

1 - 3 November 2022, Frankfurt, Deutschland


Sepawa Congress,

26 - 28 Oktober in Berlin, Deutschland


in-cosmetics korea,

13 - 15 Juli 2022, Seoul, Korea

NYSCC Suppliers' Day,

3 Mai - 4 Mai 2022, New York, USA

in-cosmetics global,

5 April - 7 April 2022, Paris, France


NYSCC Suppliers' Day,

10 November - 11 November 2021


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NYSCC Suppliers' Day,

28 September - 2 Oktober 2020

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in-cosmetics Virtual,

6 - 8 Oktober 2020

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in-cosmetics North America,

21 - 23 Oktober 2020

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